degit | global、tool | Copy git repository |
ni | global、tool | Adaptive packet manager |
nrm | global、tool | NPM registry manager |
nucm | global、tool | NPM User Manager |
yo | global、tool | CLI tool for running Yeoman generators |
generator-code | global、tool | Yeoman generator for Visual Studio Code extensions. |
generator-babel-plugin-x | global、tool | Babel Plugin generator for Yeoman |
command-line-toolbox | global、tool | Command line toolbox |
cross-env | application | Set environment variables |
pinia-plugin-persistedstate | application | Pinia plugin to persist stores |
@posva/prompts | application | Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts |
fzf | application | Do fuzzy matching using FZF algorithm in JavaScript |
@jsdevtools/ez-spawn | application | Simple, consistent process spawning |
bumpp | application | Bump version, commit changes, tag, and push to Git |
fs-extra | application | fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package |
ini | application | An INI format parser & serializer. |
package-manager-detector | application | Package manager detector |
picocolors | application | The tiniest and the fastest library for terminal output formatting with ANSI colors |
taze | application | A modern cli tool that keeps your deps fresh |
terminal-link | application | Create clickable links in the terminal |
tinyglobby | application | A fast and minimal alternative to globby and fast-glob, meant to behave the same way. |
which | application | Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH. |