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Online website

  1. WebIDE:Stackblitz, Codesandbox, 1024code;
  2. Regular:, Regulex;
  3. Deploy: vercel, fly, netlify;
  4. AiQA: ChatGPT, 通义千问, 智谱清言;
  5. Tools: Excalidraw, TransformSquoosh;


Inspect installed package:npm list -g --depth 0

degitglobal、toolCopy git repository
niglobal、toolAdaptive packet manager
nrmglobal、toolNPM registry manager
nucmglobal、toolNPM User Manager
yoglobal、toolCLI tool for running Yeoman generators
generator-codeglobal、toolYeoman generator for Visual Studio Code extensions.
generator-babel-plugin-xglobal、toolBabel Plugin generator for Yeoman
command-line-toolboxglobal、toolCommand line toolbox
cross-envapplicationSet environment variables
pinia-plugin-persistedstateapplicationPinia plugin to persist stores
@posva/promptsapplicationLightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts
fzfapplicationDo fuzzy matching using FZF algorithm in JavaScript
@jsdevtools/ez-spawnapplicationSimple, consistent process spawning
bumppapplicationBump version, commit changes, tag, and push to Git
fs-extraapplicationfs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package
iniapplicationAn INI format parser & serializer.
package-manager-detectorapplicationPackage manager detector
picocolorsapplicationThe tiniest and the fastest library for terminal output formatting with ANSI colors
tazeapplicationA modern cli tool that keeps your deps fresh
terminal-linkapplicationCreate clickable links in the terminal
tinyglobbyapplicationA fast and minimal alternative to globby and fast-glob, meant to behave the same way.
whichapplicationLike which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.

Desktop Client

utoolsEfficiency toolWindows/macOS/UOS,Ubuntu,Deepin
docker-desktopcontainerization software for developersWindows/macOS/Linux
GitHub DesktopGraphical git clientWindows/macOS
SourceTreeGraphical git clientWindows/macOS
GifoxThe best GIF recording appmacOS
snipasteSnip & PasteWindows/macOS/Linux
FinalShellRemote shell toolWindows/macOS/Linux
RectangleWindow managementmacOS